There are probably a lot of reasons why you may be hearing that right now is a great time to be investing in hotel ATMs. For one, if you own enough of them, you can make yourself quite a significant profit over time. Another reason why is because banks are working to take away some of the fees they charge for using out of network hotel...
Investing in Hotel ATM Machines
There are probably a lot of reasons why you may be hearing that right now is a great time to be investing in hotel ATMs. For one, if you own enough of them, you can make yourself quite a significant profit over time. Another reason why is because banks are working to take away some of the fees they charge for using out of network hotel ATMs, priming the market for more investment. Finally, hotel ATMs are one of the easiest ways to build an empire and get really, really rich.
Although one does not tend to associate ownership of hotel ATMs and riches, there is definitely a relationship. If a hotel has a capacity of 5,000 people and there is only one ATM in their lobby, that ATM is going to get a lot of traffic each day. If you set the ATM to charge a $2.50 fee each time somebody uses it, you will be earning thousands of dollars a month. After just a few months the machine pays itself off, at which time you will be making nothing but profit from your hotel ATMs. If you are smart and continually reinvest your earnings back into buying more hotel ATMs and scouting more good locations, you will be able to pay off your mortgage, buy a new car or start an offshore bank account in no time.
Plus, people are now more likely than ever to use hotel ATMs that are out of their network. People staying in hotels are usually quite a distance from home, which means that their bank may not have many ATMs in the area. Instead of hunting one of those elusive in network ATMs, they will usually opt to use hotel ATMs. Additionally, to stay competitive, many banks are getting rid of the $2 and higher fees that they charge customers for using an ATM that does not bear the bank’s name at the top. Since it now costs less to use hotel ATMs, people are more likely to do it.
If all of this sounds good to you, and you are interested in learning more about buying hotel ATMs, please visit and take a look around.